The cloud is buzzing

Posted On June 22, 2011 By Scott Guercio

There are many buzz words that can be considered overused in business today.  Some of which would include “value added,” “best of breed,” “synergy,” and even “solutions.”   However, prepare yourself for the proliferation of the term “cloud.”  Between Microsoft’s “To the cloud” campaign and Apple’s soon to be launched “iCloud,” it isn’t going away anytime soon.  So what’s all the buzz really about?  In my opinion, it’s about efficiency, mobility, ease of use and cost reduction.  Now these are things worth getting excited about.

Would adopting cloud computing be right for your business? Let’s find out.


Before taking a look at cloud based solutions (oops, there I go using those buzz words again), it may be helpful to understand what the cloud actually is.  In a nutshell, the cloud is the internet.  The name “cloud” is derived from a computer network diagram, representing the infrastructure of the internet, whose outline looks like an elementary drawing of a cloud.  However, what the term “cloud” really implies is using the internet to access information; information which would have been previously stored and managed on local PCs and servers.  The cloud offers companies the benefit of software access and data storage/retrieval from internet enabled devices without the need to host those resources locally, or to pay for an IT support staff to maintain its proper functionality.  Because access is over the internet, users are no longer relegated to office systems to be productive.  Mobile workers are able to use devices such as iPhones and iPads to stay connected.

Here at Advance, we too are perpetuating cloud based solutions.  From web enabled Electronic Document Management systems, like DocuWare and Laserfiche, to MFPs with integration into cloud solutions such as Evernote, Google Docs and DocumentMall.