The Stuff
Protecting Yourself, Your Employees, & Your Business on Cyber Monday
Posted On November 25, 2015 By Kevin O'Brien
Cyber Monday is a wonderful thing – instead of fighting through the masses on Black Friday, those of us who value our sanity choose to purchase our holiday gifts at discounted prices from the privacy (and safety) of the Internet.
So, what is the issue, one may ask, with this apocryphal holiday? If you’re a business leader, the answer is right in the name: Cyber Monday. This is the one day a year that your employees choose to throw caution to the wind and purchase their kid some roller blades at half price- on your time and devices.
You know that this use of your company network is risky. But what exactly is it that you should be looking out for, and how can you protect yourself, your employees, and your business on this dangerous day?
Click this link to learn about how you can avoid downtime through a proactive approach to IT.
We’ve outlined some of the most common issues and how to avoid them on the following infographic. If you have questions or would like to learn how Advance can help you with data security and mobile device management, click here.