The Stuff
Choosing a Technology Partner is Based on Trust, Not Tricks
When it comes to technology, change can happen overnight. That’s why, no matter how big or small, we all want to walk away from the negotiating table with confidence in those we choose to partner with. As we continue in our 48th year in business, I often reflect about the changes and relationships we have…
Letterhead: Waste Not, Want Not
Shelly Holdaway is the Marketing Specialist for Advance and a guest blogger for the company. Ever held up print traffic so you could run to the copier and load a sheet of letterhead, then race back to your desk and hope no one printed on it before you did? Or maybe you’ve dedicated one of your multifunctional…
Mobile printing demo
Mobile printing is changing and evolving daily – it just keeps getting better and easier to print from your iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry and many other mobile devices. Check out the latest in the mobile printing software world from Savin/Ricoh, Canon and KIP. Share with this link:
Stop the Vicious Email Cycle, Collaborate with Google Docs
As ubiquitous as Google is these days, some of its lesser known features are worth some attention, especially when it comes to file sharing and collaborating on projects. Like many people, I was accidentally introduced to Google Docs when I inadvertently selected the “open as a Google spreadsheet” option on an Excel attachment I had…
Making Sense of Mobile Printing
Mobile printing has really taken off within the past year or so and now the market is flooded with various options. As a consumer it can be challenging to make the software comparison and choose the right option for your company. Advance has taken away most of the guesswork and offer many solutions to help…
Wide Format Software Enhancements
I was speaking with a colleague of mine a few weeks back who mentioned that our wide format offerings could use more blog space. With KIP launching some new software products not that long ago I can’t think of a better time to put this out so here it goes… If you are a current…
A More Accessible Device for Everyone
Is your office technology difficult to operate for users with limited mobility, vision or hearing? Professional success in today’s workplace requires that office technology be accessible by everyone, including those with disabilities. In fact, for the federal government, it’s the law.
Technology, tablets and social media in education
In 1995, the Maryland Plan for Technology in Education was developed to serve as the foundation for the development of technological enhancements to the Maryland school system. Education is seeing a lot of change. Change in leadership, change in how students learn, and change in the way teachers teach. Many of these topics stem from…