Lower TCO and Improve Workflow with A4

  No, I am not recommending you purchase a compact sport sedan from Audi in the title above. Although, from what I have seen in the TV ads, the Audi A4 does look like fun. I am actually suggesting that businesses can lower their Total Cost of Ownership related to document workflow, with a particular…

Never Settle Because Your Equipment "Doesn’t Work"

Prior to being a part of our marketing team, I had the opportunity to work exclusively in the field training our graphic arts customers in color calibration, Fiery print controllers, and color profiling. In my travels back to the marketing and design departments, I’d often pass by the office’s traditional copier fleets. While my job…

Speed Up Your Workflow with In-Line GBC Punching

As the Sales Training Manager for Advance, my role allows me to assist our Account Representatives with sales discovery meetings. Recently, I have attended several client appointments which resulted in Advance solutions for in-line GBC punching on our multifunctional devices (MFD). These systems drastically reduce the time it takes our customers to complete jobs that…

A Plug for the Linux Users

  While operating systems like Linux are becoming more widely used the number is still very small compared to the traditional Windows PC or Mac.  Of course, I’m only referencing desktops for this article since Linux runs on many hardware platforms like that Android device you may be holding in your hand.  In fact, thanks…

Read the manual…you may find hidden features

Several times over the last few years I have changed models of technology that I use every day, day in and out… phones, TVs, computers, even our cars are technology tools for outside sales representatives. Most of the time I am doing the research and listening to reviews to determine what I need. Click here…

Mobile Printing Solutions – can you print from your iPad?

In the new technology era, mobile devices and tablets are becoming the norm for office workers. But how can you print from these devices without the traditional challenge of forwarding documents to someone at a laptop or desktop with networked printing capability?  EFI PrintMe Mobile is the latest solution to the mobile printing challenge. In…

But Are You the (Information) Master of Your Domain?

I think Kramer on Seinfeld posed it best when he asked Jerry: “But are you still master of your domain?” Strange as it sounds, it’s a good question to ask yourself when it comes to your business. Are you really mastering all you can in regards to your business? Where does that start? If you’ve…

Ricoh Fiery Devices Offering Mobile Enhancements

As the public demand for mobile printing solution continues to grow, manufacturers are putting effort in developing solutions that “just work.” When attaching to your company network with and iOS device (iPhone/iPad) or other handheld, it only seems right that you would be presented with options to print. Right? There are many solutions out there…

Leverage Your Technology Investment Through Ongoing Training

There are many reasons to partner with Advance for your document output needs. One key differentiator of Advance is the fact that we provide our clients with no cost, ongoing hardware training for the life of their equipment. This is just one example of how working with Advance is an unmatched experience, compared to getting what…

How Can I Print from my Mobile Device?

Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you not to take toys to school with you, but you did it anyway? Today as adults, we continue to bring our toys to work…but instead of bringing a favorite action figure (or babydoll- for the ladies), we are bringing our smart phones and mobile…

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